Sarah Ketelaars

Sarah Ketelaars is a British photographer currently living in Houston, Texas. She has a degree in English Literature from Jesus College, Cambridge, an MSc in Social Science from the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen and a Diploma in photography from City College, Brighton. She began her career as a journalist and has had photographs published in trade, local and national newspapers and publications. Her images have also appeared on book, cd and magazine covers. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally and is represented by Trevillion Images & Getty, and by 35 North Gallery in Brighton.

Artist Statement

It’s a different experience living high up, floating above the city like a bird. Far from the street below you are part of the city and removed from it at the same time. My gaze has shifted slightly to include glimpses of life inside the apartment: just me and my husband - isolating- safely together. I live with several rare auto immune diseases and feel especially vulnerable. The windows mark the edges of our new, smaller world. The presence of the view gives me perspective and the ever changing skies and weather are a welcome reminder that nothing stays the same forever.


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