
June 13 - July 7, 2018

Artist + Public Reception: June 22, 6:00 – 8:00 pm

Exhibition Location
Carnegie Center For Creativity
200 Mathews Street, Fort Collins, CO 80524


The photographs included in this exhibition offer a broad-strokes interpretation of the landscape, a subject that no single exhibition can expect to fully describe. I was most attracted to those photographs that opened up with further reflection or drew my attention to facets or viewpoints of the landscape that I might otherwise have never noticed or considered. I was captivated by the images that tell stories,—or make me craft my own stories—through their subtlety and ambiguity. Typically, a good photograph does not require a paragraph explaining its significance or the surrounding context. All that is necessary of the viewer is close, concerted looking.’ -Juror Allie Haeusslein, 2018

Selected Artists:

Brian Autio, Chris Bennett, Annette Lemay Burke, Rachelle Bussières, Sarah Christainson, Jonathon Clark, Patrick Cobb, Michele Cohn, Danielle Dean, Carol Erb, Nicholas Fedak II, Justin Fiset, Diane Fox, Tim Goodman, Roger Grasas, Tim Greyhavens, Charlotta Hauksdottir, Tracy Hoffman, Christine Huhn, Nancy A. Johnson, Stephen Johnson, Dave Jordano, Andrew Liccardo, Kevin Lyle, Emmanuel Monzon, Tressa Pack, Darran Rees, Robert Renfrow, Kelsey Scharf, Paul Sisson, Cara Taylor, Eric Williams, Ritch Winokur, and David Wolf.