Sama Alshaibi Virtual Artist Talk 11/15
Sama Alshaibi Artist Talk
Join the Center as we welcome exhibiting artist Sama Alshaibi for an artist talk about her series Silsila and new video work, Iihya’ – إحياء (Revival).
Wednesday, November 15th at 5 pm MT (4 PM PT and 7 pm ET) on Zoom
Copyright @ Sama Alshaibi
Sama Alshaibi
Sama Alshaibi's (b. 1973, Iraq) photographs and videos situate her own body as a site of performance, considering the social and gendered impacts of war and migration. Her work complicates the coding of the Arab female figure found in the image history of photographs and moving images. Alshaibi’s sculptural installations evoke the body's disappearance and act as counter-memorials to war and forced exile. Alshaibi’s monograph, Sand Rushes In, was published by Aperture, NYC. It features her 8-year Silsila series (debuted at the 55th Venice Biennale), which probes the human dimensions of borders, migration, and ecological demise.