Spirited Conversations | Kiliii Yuyan

Spirited Conversations | Kiliii Yuyan - July 2020

Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

The Zoom Conversation will begin with an artist talk and then commence with a conversation and question and answer period.

To join us, email contact(at) c4fap.org. You will receive the Zoom information on the day of the conversation. There is no charge for this event.

Photographer Kiliii Yuyan illuminates the hidden stories of polar regions, wilderness and Indigenous communities. Informed by ancestry that is both Nanai/Hèzhé (Siberian Native) and Chinese-American, he explores the the human relationship to the natural world from different cultural perspectives. Kiliii is an award-winning contributor to National Geographic Magazine and other major publications.

Both wilderness survival skills and empathy have been critical for Kiliii’s projects in extreme environments and cultures outside his own. On assignment, he has fled collapsing sea ice, weathered botulism from fermented whale blood, and found kinship at the edges of the world. In addition, Kiliii builds traditional kayaks and contributes to the revitalization of northern Indigenous culture.

Kiliii is a 2020 NiaTero Storytelling fellow, Pulitzer Center grantee, and one of PDN’s 30 Emerging Photographers (2019). His work has been exhibited worldwide and received some of photography’s top honors. Kiliii’s public talks inspire others about photography, Indigenous perspectives and wilderness around the globe. Kiliii is based out of Seattle, but can be found across the circumpolar Arctic much of the year.


Image Credit, Kiliii Yuyan

Past, events, 2020Stacy Sawyer