André Ramos-Woodard Artist Talk - Postponed

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Postponed - new date- tbd

Ramos-Woodard will talk about their work, process, and what it is like to navigate the post-graduate school art/photo world.

Born in Nashville, Tennessee, André Ramos-Woodard is a contemporary artist primarily working with photo-based manipulation and drawing, they convey ideas of communal and personal identity through internal conflicts. Ramos-Woodard is influenced by personal experiences they went through while discovering their own identity – they are queer and African-American. Ramos-Woodard received their BFA from Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, and their MFA at The University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

From Ramos-Woodard’s website:

André goes out of their way to be the Blackest, Queerest version of themselves they can possibly be. André does not like cops. At all. André is non-binary—their pronouns are [they/them/theirs].