Exhibition Details

Center Forward 2024

On Site and Online Exhibition

Online Exhibition: September 18, 2024 - March 31, 2025

Onsite: October 30 – November 23, 2024

Reception and Artist Talks | November 1, 2024

Exhibition Location: Community Center for Creativity

200 Mathews St, Fort Collins, CO 80524

Katherine Ware's Juror’s Award: Brooks Dierdorff
Katherine Ware's Juror’s Honorable Mentions: 
Ryan Mitchell, Judyta Grudzien, Kevin Hoth, Elliott Peacock
Hamidah Glasgow's Juror's Award: Ryan Mitchell
Hamidah Glasgow's Juror's Honorable Mentions: Cristina Burns, Levi Christiansen, Stephan Jahanshahi, Mehrdad Marzaie

Selected Artists: Debra Achen, Mark Armbruster, Karen Baker, Jennifer Baumann, Jake Benzinger, Brenda Biondo, Barbara Boissevain, Cristina Burns, Shawn Bush, Jo Ann Chaus, Diana Cheren Nygren, Chuang Chih-Hao, Levi Christiansen, Ally Christmas, Brooks Dierdorff, Jesse Egner, Teri Figliuzzi, Patricia Fortlage, Susan Goldstein, Judyta Grudzien, Frank Hamrick, Carlton Henkes, Jamie Ho, Kevin Hoth, Pengkuei Ben Huang, Charles Ingham, Stephan Jahanshahi, Dave Jordano, Michael Joseph, Dawn Kowalewski, Rob Lantz, Chrissy Lush, Andy Mattern, Mehrdad Mirzaie, Ryan Mitchell, Allen Myers, David Ondrik & Becky Holtzman, Eliott Peacock, Allison Plass, Walter Plotnick, Oriana Poindexter, Jennifer Ray, Kathryn Rodrigues, Susan Rosenberg Jones, Forrest Simmons, Ian Stoufer, Bahar Tusi, Joshua White, Tako Young

Jurors Statement

Many of my selections reflect my own deep interest in how photographs can convey what is not readily visible, a bit of a paradox for a medium that usually relies on light bouncing off an object in order to make a picture. Photographs in this exhibition have much to teach us about the psychological and physical struggles of our fellow humans, the difficulties and concerns we can't always share in words. But a picture has its own language, a silent eloquence that speaks volumes. And there are also celebrations of life’s everyday moments, absurdities, and magical surprises. What a wonderful medium whose flexible iterations and processes can reveal to us another unseen world: the mind of an artist.

--Katherine Ware