Holly Roberts

Artists Statement:

I start all my work by painting abstractly, paintings which will then become the foundation of each image. Once I start forming the images, I select from my (bottomless)collection of materials and my own photographs to begin to tell a story. The story unfolds as I work, and is only revealed to me bit by bit. This process is much like following a trail of bread crumbs with no idea of a destination until, at long last, I arrive. The story can be, at the same time, both overt and subtle, and reflects on the ongoing personal and universal events of my life, both major and minor. Animals, people, and people as animals become the vehicles that portray complicated relationships along with the daily fears, joys, and anxieties of being alive in the world today. However, if I can find any one theme that runs through my work consistently, it would be a kind of loneliness or feeling of separateness, often mixed with an odd and quirky humor. I’m almost always surprised and pleased by where the bread crumbs take me.

Holly Roberts Website

Hamidah Glasgow